DACA: Failure is Not an Option!

6/15/23 DACA

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was created by the Obama Administration in 2012 to protect young adults who were brought to the United States as children from deportation and to provide them with work authorization throughout the program.  Now entering its eleventh year, we continue to learn that the DACA program has been a colossal success.

The eligibility criteria for DACA motivated young adults to attain educational milestones.  High school diplomas, university degrees, and graduate studies have been a byproduct of the program incentivizing educational success.  Statistics indicate that 99% of DACA applicants completed high school while 48% went on to study at universities to pursue their educational endeavors. These successes have led to other successes where 79% of DACA beneficiaries entered the labor force working with companies or creating their own businesses during a time of a national labor shortage. The stability created for many DACA beneficiaries flourished into house ownership followed by marriage and children. The contributions to the local, state, and national economy continue to compound. This program created a win-win scenario for all involved.

Most of all, the DACA program has empowered young immigrants to rise from the shadows of uncertainty and solidifies and validates their value to our country. DACA has enabled them to thrive and continue dreaming of what is possible with continued hard work and dedication in the country that raised them. DACA has allowed them to be integrated into the fabric of our society with many still eager to serve in our nation’s military forces. DACA has made it possible for them to breathe freely and exhale away the fears of isolation and solitude.

According to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services statistics, more than 580,000 recipients still have DACA while thousands of others have transitioned to legal permanent resident status. Why would anyone want to eliminate this program and upend the lives of hard-working and deserving recipients? The DACA legal drama has been a nightmare for DACA beneficiaries and their families. Year after year, court after court, hearing after hearing, DACA recipients have been held hostage by those who believe DACA is unlawful and should be terminated. Yet, it is obvious to most that there is a reason why even the most conservative judges who have reviewed the case in the Courts have found it difficult and troublesome to permanently end this valuable program. The reason is DACA works! It makes no logical sense to end a program that carries so many benefits for all involved. Taking judicial notice of this truth would serve the common good and common sense.

Today, over 95,000 new DACA applicants are on hold due to decisions of the Courts. Thousands of others wait for another opportunity to grasp a lifeline out of the deep shadows. To resolve the Court’s threat to end DACA, Congress must act. Congress people must summon up the internal fortitude to overcome petty, political bickering and provide a long overdue solution.

DACA recipient and author, Areli Morales, stated in a recent interview introducing her children’s book titled “Areli is a Dreamer”: “I felt that I had the responsibility to write this because there are still millions of undocumented immigrants who do not have the privilege to share their own…I hope my story can bring awareness to immigration issues and encourage people to support undocumented immigrants. Undocumented immigrants have names, hopes, and dreams. We deserve to live in this country without fear…I hope undocumented kids reading my story feel inspired to continue to work hard for their dreams. I want them to know that they are not alone in their journey and that so many people want to see them succeed…I also want children to take away a message of hope: we can overcome our challenges and push to achieve our dreams with the support of our loved ones.”

This is possible. This is achievable. Failure is not an option.

About the Author:

Firm Law Office of Victor D. Nieblas P.
Location City of Industry, California USA
Law School Loyola Law School - 1995
Chapters Southern California
Join Date 12/16/97
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