Federal Agencies, FR Regulations & Notices

DOS Notice and Request for Comments on New Immigrant Healthcare Questionnaire (Form DS-5541)

10/30/19 AILA Doc. No. 19103000. Consular Processing

DOS notice and request for comments on new form DS-5541, Immigrant Healthcare Questionnaire, which contains questions that consular officers will verbally ask immigrant visa applicants covered by Presidential Proclamation 9945. DOS has requested emergency approval of this form from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the comment period will close on 10/31/19, one day after the date of publication of this notice. DOS is separately requesting approval through OMB’s normal clearance process. (84 FR 58199, 10/30/19)


[Public Notice: 10934]

Notice of Information Collection Under OMB Emergency Review: Immigrant Health Insurance Coverage

ACTION: Notice of request for emergency review and approval by OMB and public comment.

Cite as AILA Doc. No. 19103000.