DHS Releases ICE Declined Detainer Outcome Report

7/15/19 AILA Doc. No. 17032002.

DHS issued the ICE Declined Detainer Outcome Report as required by EO 13768. This report lists the jurisdictions that have declined to honor ICE detainers or requests for notification and includes examples of criminal charges associated with those released undocumented immigrants.

July 15, 2019

Declined Detainer Report for FY2018, Second Quarter

Note posted on ICE.gov: In order to increase transparency surrounding the immigration enforcement process, ICE will produce the Declined Detainer Report on a quarterly basis, beginning in the second quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2018.

April 13, 2017

Note posted on ICE.gov: ICE remains committed to publishing the most accurate information available regarding declined detainers across the country and continues to analyze and refine its reporting methodologies. While this analysis is ongoing, the publication of the Declined Detainer Outcome Report (DDOR) will be temporarily suspended.

March 20, 2017

Weekly Declined Detainer Outcome Report for Recorded Declined Detainers: January 28, 2017 – February 3, 2017

Note posted on ICE.gov website:
Correction: Due to a data processing error, the Jan. 28 - Feb 03, 2017 Declined Detainer Outcome Report incorrectly attributed issued detainers to Franklin County, Iowa; Franklin County, New York; Franklin County, Pennsylvania; and Montgomery County, Iowa that were in fact issued to agencies outside of the respective county's jurisdiction in similarly named locations. Additionally, detainers that appeared as being declined by Williamson County, TX and Bastrop County, TX were cases where the individual was transferred to another facility where they were released. Finally, detainers appeared as being declined by Chester County, PA and Richmond County, NC when those detainers were incorrectly issued to those locations. The subjects of those detainers were in different locations.

February 11, 2017

Weekly Declined Detainer Outcome Report for Recorded Declined Detainers: February 11, 2017 - February 17, 2017

February 4, 2017

Weekly Declined Detainer Outcome Report for Recorded Declined Detainers: February 4, 2017 - February 10, 2017