Federal Agencies, Agency Memos & Announcements

DHS Begins Processing Individuals in Mexico with Active MPP Cases

2/23/21 AILA Doc. No. 21021230. Admissions & Border, Asylum

February 23, 2021

DHS announced that, starting this week, it will begin processing current residents of the Matamoros camp in Mexico. DHS noted that it will only process current camp residents who qualify for the program; new arrivals to the Matamoros camp will not be eligible to participate in the process.

February 19, 2021

DHS announced that it has begun the first step in a phased approach to process individuals returned to Mexico under MPP who have a pending case before EOIR. DHS processed a limited number of individuals on 2/19/21 through the San Ysidro Port of Entry who were registered ahead of time by international organizations. Additional ports of entry will begin processing individuals this week.

February 19, 2021

Per a DHS fact sheet released on 2/15/21, a virtual registration process, accessible from any location, can be found at https://conecta.acnur.org/.

Once the site is operational, individuals who were enrolled in MPP may register to be processed into the U.S. for future removal proceedings. The registration site is managed by UNHCR and other international partners who will provide a virtual helpdesk and toll free line to assist individuals with this process. Once registered, individuals will be given a date and time to expect a phone call from a case worker who will collect verification information, including their alien registration number. UNCHR will then confirm eligibility under phase one processing and will provide the individual and any accompanying family members with a future date to appear at a staging area near a designated port of entry. Individuals eligible for this initial processing are those with active MPP cases, including, those with pending Board of Immigration Appeals. Individuals in the United States and overseas who were enrolled in MPP should remain in place and continue to await further guidance. Additional FAQs and fact sheets from DHS and UNHCR are forthcoming.

February 11, 2021

DHS announced that, on 2/19/21, it will begin phase one of a program to start processing individuals forced to remain in Mexico under MPP with cases pending before EOIR. DHS will announce a virtual registration process; once registered, eligible individuals will be provided information about where and when to present themselves. Individuals in the United States with active MPP cases will receive separate guidance at a later date.

Cite as AILA Doc. No. 21021230.