Federal Agencies, FR Regulations & Notices

DOL Proposed Rule to Revise H-2A Regulations

7/26/19 AILA Doc. No. 19072601. Business Immigration, H-2A Agricultural Worker

DOL notice of proposed rulemaking proposing to substantially revise the H-2A regulations. Proposed changes include, among other things, requiring electronic filing and permitting the staggered entry of H-2A workers into the United States. Comments are due 9/24/19. (84 FR 36168, 7/26/19)


Employment and Training Administration

20 CFR Parts 653 and 655

Wage and Hour Division

29 CFR Part 501

[DOL Docket No. ETA–2019–0007]

RIN 1205–AB89

Temporary Agricultural Employment of H–2A Nonimmigrants in the United States

AGENCY: Employment and Training Administration and Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor.

ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.

Cite as AILA Doc. No. 19072601.