Federal Agencies, FR Regulations & Notices

EOIR Final Rule on Limited Representation of Pro Se Individuals

9/14/22 AILA Doc. No. 22091300. Removal & Relief

EOIR final rule on limited representation of pro se individuals, which permits practitioners to provide document assistance to pro se individuals by entering a limited appearance through new Forms EOIR-60 or EOIR-61, without requiring the practitioner to become the practitioner of record or to submit a motion to withdraw or substitute after completing the document assistance. The rule is effective 11/14/22. (87 FR 56247, 9/14/22)


Executive Office for Immigration Review

8 CFR Parts 1001 and 1003

[EOIR Docket No. 22–0201; A.G. Order No. 5499–2022]

RIN 1125–AA83

Professional Conduct for Practitioners—Rules and Procedures, and Representation and Appearances

AGENCY: Executive Office for Immigration Review, Department of Justice.

ACTION: Final rule.

Cite as AILA Doc. No. 22091300.