Practice Resources, AILA Public Statements, Correspondence

AILA and Partners Request USCIS to Accept Prior Editions of Form I-914

8/29/24 AILA Doc. No. 24091001. T & U Status
AILA and partners sent a letter to USCIS requesting that it accept prior editions of Form I-914 through at least 10/28/24 given that the new edition was issued with no notice or grace period. On 8/30/24, USCIS indicated it would accept the prior edition through 9/30/24.

Practice Alert

On August 30, 2024, the day after AILA sent this letter to USCIS, USCIS updated its website to indicate that it has created a grace period for the prior form to be accepted until September 2024. Starting on September 30, 2024, you must use the 08/28/24 edition. But until then, USCIS will accept both the 04/01/24 and the 08/28/24 editions.

A special thanks to the rapid response advocacy led by Carson Osberg, Chair of the VAWA, T, and U Committee.

Screenshot of USCIS website.


Cite as AILA Doc. No. 24091001.