Federal Agencies, Agency Memos & Announcements

CBP Releases Memo on Nonimmigrant Unforeseen Emergency Waivers under Section 212(d)(4)(A) of the INA

9/30/02 AILA Doc. No. 18121801. Admissions & Border, Waivers

CBP released a memo with amendatory language to the Inspector’s Field Manual (IFM) and reminds immigration officers of the strict limitations placed upon unforeseen emergency waiver requests under section 212(d)(4)(A) of the INA. This memo supersedes the 11/14/01, memo Deferred inspection, Parole and Waivers of Documentary Requirements to the extent that it conflicts with the granting of 212(d)(4)(A) waivers.

Cite as AILA Doc. No. 18121801.