Federal Agencies, FR Regulations & Notices

EOIR Final Rule on the List of Pro Bono Legal Service Providers for Individuals in Immigration Proceedings

10/1/15 AILA Doc. No. 15091708. Removal & Relief

EOIR final rule adopting, as amended, the proposed rule entitled List of Pro Bono Legal Service Providers for Aliens in Immigration Proceedings. Rule is effective 11/30/15. (80 FR 59503, 10/1/15)


Executive Office for Immigration Review

8 CFR Parts 1003, 1240, and 1241

[EOIR Docket No. 164P; A.G. Order No. 3565-2015]

RIN 1125-AA62

List of Pro Bono Legal Service Providers for Individuals in Immigration Proceedings

AGENCY: Executive Office for Immigration Review, Department of Justice.

ACTION: Final rule.

Cite as AILA Doc. No. 15091708.