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Family Detention During Obama Administration

10/12/16 AILA Doc. No. 12011164. Detention & Bond, Removal & Relief

The Obama administration's massive expansion of family detention began in the summer of 2014 and will incarcerate thousands of asylum-seeking children and mothers who are fleeing extreme violence in the Northern Triangle region of Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador) this year. This practice is a due process and humanitarian disaster and must end. Family detention alone costs $343 per individual per day.

Flores Settlement Agreement on Minors in Immigration Custody

DHS Advisory Committee on Family Residential Centers Report

Medical and Mental Health Consequences of Detention

Due Process Violations in Family Detention

Detained Mothers Speak for Themselves

Congressional Calls to #EndFamilyDetention

AILA Members and Partners Represent Asylum-Seeking Mothers and Children

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