DOL Ratification of H-2A Rule on Range Herding and Production of Livestock
DOL published notification of the Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training's ratification of the rule published 10/16/15 titled “Temporary Agricultural Employment of H-2A Foreign Workers in the Herding or Production of Livestock on the Range in the United States.” Ratification was signed on 1/10/25. (90 FR 3626, 1/15/25)
Employment and Training Administration
20 CFR Part 655
[DOL Docket No. ETA-2015-0004]
Temporary Agricultural Employment of H–2A Foreign Workers in the Herding or Production of Livestock on the Range in the United States; Ratification of Department’s Actions
AGENCY: Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor.
ACTION: Ratification.
Related Resources
- DOL H-2A Final Rule on Range Herding and Production of Livestock (80 FR 62958, 10/16/15)