FR Regulations & Notices

EOIR 60-Day Notice of Comments on Form EOIR-29A

7/23/24 AILA Doc. No. 24072505. Removal & Relief

EOIR 60-day notice for comments on Form EOIR-29A, Notice of Motion To Reconsider/Reopen a Decision by the Board of Immigration Appeals From an Initial Decision of a DHS Officer. Comments are due by 9/23/24. (89 FR 59773, 7/23/24)


[OMB Number 1125–NEW]

Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed eCollection; eComments Requested; Notice of Motion To Reconsider/Reopen a Decision by the Board of Immigration Appeals From an Initial Decision of a DHS Officer (EOIR–29A)

AGENCY: Executive Office for Immigration Review, Department of Justice.

ACTION: 60-Day notice.

Cite as AILA Doc. No. 24072505.