Federal Agencies, Agency Memos & Announcements

I-140 Filing Not Dispositive for TN

6/18/96 AILA Doc. No. 96061891. Business Immigration, TN Professionals
Jun 18, 1996
Mr. William Z. Reich
300 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14202

Dear Mr. Reich:

This refers to your letter of March 7, in which you state that a Canadian citizen was refused admission as a TN nonimmigrant under the North American Free Trade Agreement (the NAFTA) because he is the beneficiary of an approved I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, and, therefore, could not establish that his entry was without the intent to establish permanent residence in the United States. You submit that a TN nonimmigrant may be admitted to the United States to complete a temporary employment engagement even though he or she is the beneficiary of an approved I-140 petition.

This office has oversight for the uniform application of immigration laws, regulations, and statute. It does not determine eligibility for specific nonimmigrant classification in individual cases. The determination as to whether or not an alien is eligible for admission or extension of stay as a TN professional must be made by the immigration officer at the time the alien applies for admission or extension of stay. Each application must be judged on its own merits. Nevertheless, we can provide you with a very general statement relating to the facts described in your letter.

At the present time, there is no specified upper limit on the number of years a citizen of Canada or a citizen of Mexico may remain in the United States in TN classification as there is with the majority of nonimmigrant classifications contained in section 101(a)(15) of the Act. However, the presumption of immigrant intent under section 214(b) of the Act is applicable to NAFTA professionals under section 214(e) of the Act (unlike that for H and L nonimmigrants who are no longer subject to section 214(b) of the Act). Accordingly, applicants for admission, extension, or readmission as NAFTA professionals will be subject to a determination by the Service of the applicability of section 214(b) of the Act to the applicant.

The fact that an alien is the beneficiary of an approved I-140 petition may not be, in and of itself, a reason to deny an application for admission, readmission, or extension of stay if the alien’s intent is to remain in the United States temporarily. Nevertheless, because the Service must evaluate each application on a case-by-case basis with regard to the alien’s intent, this factor may be taken into consideration along with other relevant factors every time that a TN nonimmigrant applies for admission, readmission or a new extension of stay. Therefore, while it is our opinion that under the conditions as described in your letter, a TN nonimmigrant may apply for readmission in the TN classification, if the inspecting officer determines that the individual has abandoned his or her temporary intent, that individual’s application for admission as a TN nonimmigrant may be refused.

I trust this response has been of some assistance to you with regard to your question.


Yvonne M. LaFleur, Chief
Business and Trade Services Branch

(Courtesy of William Z. Reich)