Photos from Brownsville Delegation

Port Court is located inside Brownsville Gateway Port of Entry in Brownsville, TX

Entrance to the Port Court, Brownsville, TX

View of the Port Court from Matamoros, Mexico

View of the Port Court from Matamoros, Mexico

AILA Delegation in front of Harlingen Immigration Court. From left to right: Leidy Perez-Davis, Policy Counsel at AILA National; Benjamin Johnson, AILA Executive Director; Marketa Lindt, AILA President; Andrew Nietor, Chair of AILA’s Southern Border Taskforce; Katy Murdza, Advocacy Manager, Dilley Pro Bono Project

Port Isabel Detention Center where AILA Delegation observed Remain in Mexico hearings.

Before crossing the border to Matamoros, Mexico.

Benjamin Johnson, AILA Executive Director and Andrew Nietor, Chair of AILA’s Southern Border Taskforce talk to migrants affected by Remain in Mexico, Matamoros, Mexico

AILA Member Jodi Goodwin gives AILA President Marketa Lindt a tour of the tent city across the border in Matamoros Mexico.

Tents migrants live in while they wait for their hearings in the Port Court; Matamoros, Mexico.

The tent city has limited number of Porta Potties, Matamoros, Mexico

There are six recently installed showers for over 2000 people living in the tent city, Matamoros, Mexico.

Tent city at Matamoros, Mexico

Make-shift table at the tent city, Matamoros, Mexico

AILA Delegation meets with local AILA members in Brownsville, TX who represent clients affected by Remain in Mexico. From left to right: Leidy Perez-Davis, Policy Counsel at AILA National; Benjamin Johnson, AILA Executive Director; Katy Murdza, Advocacy Manager, Dilley Pro Bono Project; Norma Sepulveda, member of AILA’s Southern Border Task force; Jodi Goodwin, Vice Chair of AILA’s Southern Border Task force; Marketa Lindt, AILA President; Andrew Nietor, Chair of AILA’s Southern Border Taskforce