Social Media Toolkit to Amplify AILA's Vision for the Biden-Harris Administration
This toolkit contains sample tweets, posts, and graphics to help AILA members and other stakeholders share AILA’s road map, A Vision for America as a Welcoming Nation: AILA Recommendations for the Future of Immigration, on various social media platforms.
Sample Tweets | Sample Facebook/LinkedIn Posts | Tag Leadership and Your Congressional Members! | Sample Facebook Graphics | Sample Instagram Graphics | Sample Twitter Graphics
Sample Tweets
One thing is crystal clear: America must be a beacon of welcome again: #immigration
#Immigration changes will take hard work and some will require congressional action, but the Biden-Harris administration has a lot it can do - WATCH and LEARN
We need action, and fast, on #immigration issues by the incoming administration - WATCH @AILANational break down some key points:
DON’T MISS from @AILANational: a road map for the Biden-Harris administration on #immigration to ameliorate the damage done by the executive branch since Trump took office
What should the Biden-Harris administration do from day one on #immigration? READ @AILANational’s comprehensive road map
READ this set of key actions for the Biden-Harris administration from @AILANational with input from national policy committees and its network of pro bono volunteer lawyers:
.@AILANational offers a road map for the Biden-Harris Administration to alleviate much of the damage done by the Trump administration on #immigration and take positive steps forward.
How can the Biden-Harris administration marshal the resources and political will to implement an #immigration vision to the benefit of all? READ the road map from @AILANational
“This is the beginning of a new era for America that will provide us with the opportunity to be a nation that protects those fleeing persecution, embraces people hailing from different shores, and promotes our shared prosperity.” @GregChenAILA
Take a look at @AILANational’s set of solutions that can and must be taken by the Biden-Harris Administration to alleviate damage done, reaffirm our values, protect our nation, and harness innovation for economic growth.
America must reclaim its identity as a welcoming nation when the Biden-Harris administration is inaugurated READ more from @AILANational:
Yes, the Biden-Harris administration can protect America from #COVID19 without scapegoating immigrants – READ more from @AILANational
I want the Biden-Harris administration to #HoldUSCISAccountable and true to its congressionally defined mission – READ more in @AILANational’s road map:
The Biden-Harris administration must get our #immigration system back on track and on time – READ how from @AILANational
Justice and efficiency can coexist in our nation’s #immigration courts! Read what an incoming Biden-Harris administration can and should do in the @AILANational road map:
America’s promise of protection and refuge needs to be upheld and the Biden-Harris administration will have the opportunity to ensure fair, humane, and orderly processing of migrants at the border. READ how from @AILANational
The road map on #immigration for the Biden-Harris administration includes rescinding inhumane Trump policies, like prosecution of asylum seekers and the separation and detention of families. READ more from @AILANational:
Every person facing the life and death consequences of #immigration removal should have legal counsel paid for by the government if they cannot afford it. Bonus: attorneys make court proceedings more efficient and reduce government costs.
The Biden-Harris administration should turn away from detention and use the proven more humane alternatives, scaling-up community-based release programs that are highly effective and less costly than detention
All people subjected to immigrant enforcement action must be treated fairly and respectfully as human beings – READ how the Biden-Administration needs to change how things are done:
The Biden-Harris administration must prioritize smart enforcement and give weight to longstanding ties. People who are eligible for DACA or TPS should not be in removal proceedings. READ more in the @AILANational road map
Among other things, the Biden-Harris administration should reinstate #DACA, grant #TPS for nationals of countries experiencing crises, offer parole and deferred action programs for the military and vulnerable groups.
Sample Facebook/LinkedIn Posts
One thing is crystal clear: America must be a beacon of welcome again:
Immigration law and policy changes will take hard work and some will require congressional action, but the Biden-Harris administration has a lot it can do - WATCH and LEARN
We need action, and fast, on immigration issues by the incoming administration - WATCH AILA National staff break down some key points:
DON’T MISS from AILA: a road map for the Biden-Harris administration on immigration to ameliorate the damage done by the executive branch since Trump took office
What should the Biden-Harris administration do from day one on immigration? READ AILA’s comprehensive road map
READ this set of key actions for the Biden-Harris administration from AILA, developed with input from national policy committees and its network of pro bono volunteer lawyers:
AILA offers a road map for the Biden-Harris Administration to alleviate much of the damage done by the Trump administration on immigration and take positive steps forward.
How can the Biden-Harris administration marshal the resources and political will to implement an immigration vision to the benefit of all? READ the road map from AILA
“This is the beginning of a new era for America that will provide us with the opportunity to be a nation that protects those fleeing persecution, embraces people hailing from different shores, and promotes our shared prosperity.” - Greg Chen, AILA Senior Director of Government Relations
Take a look at AILA’s set of solutions that can and must be taken by the Biden-Harris Administration to alleviate damage done, reaffirm our values, protect our nation, and harness innovation for economic growth.
America must reclaim its identity as a welcoming nation when the Biden-Harris administration is inaugurated READ more from AILA:
Yes, the Biden-Harris administration can protect America from COVID-19 without scapegoating immigrants – READ more from AILA
I want the Biden-Harris administration to hold USCIS accountable and true to its congressionally defined mission – READ more in AILA’s road map:
The Biden-Harris administration must get our immigration system back on track and on time – READ how from AILA
Justice and efficiency can coexist in our nation’s immigration courts! Read what an incoming Biden-Harris administration can and should do in the AILA road map:
America’s promise of protection and refuge needs to be upheld and the Biden-Harris administration will have the opportunity to ensure fair, humane, and orderly processing of migrants at the border. READ how from AILA
The road map on immigration for the Biden-Harris administration includes rescinding inhumane Trump policies, like prosecution of asylum seekers and the separation and detention of families. READ more from AILA:
Every person facing the life and death consequences of immigration removal should have legal counsel paid for by the government if they cannot afford it. Bonus: attorneys make court proceedings more efficient and reduce government costs.
The Biden-Harris administration should turn away from detention and use the proven more humane alternatives, scaling-up community-based release programs that are highly effective and less costly than detention
All people subjected to immigrant enforcement action must be treated fairly and respectfully as human beings – READ how the Biden-Administration needs to change how things are done:
The Biden-Harris administration must prioritize smart enforcement and give weight to longstanding ties. People who are eligible for DACA or TPS should not be in removal proceedings. READ more in the AILA road map
Among other things, the Biden-Harris administration should reinstate DACA, grant TPS for nationals of countries experiencing crises, offer parole and deferred action programs for the military and vulnerable groups.
Tag Leadership and Your Congressional Members!
You can help hold YOUR representative and Senators accountable to help get this done by tweeting at them. Here is a sample tweet:
Dear [REP/SEN HANDLE], take a look at this #immigration road map AILA created for the incoming Biden-Harris administration. This is such important work, help move us forward.
.[REP/SEN HANDLE] read @AILANationa’s set of #immigration solutions for the Biden-Harris administration.
.[REP/SEN HANDLE], it’s time to #HoldUSCISAccountable and true to its congressionally defined mission. @AILANational’s road map outlines how to get the agency back on track:
.[REP/SEN HANDLE], I urge you to read @AILANational’s road map to rescinding inhumane Trump #immigration policies, like prosecution of asylum seekers and the separation and detention of families.
.@JoeBiden, on DAY ONE it’s essential you begin to reverse the damage done by the Trump administration on #immigration. @AILANational a road map:
.@JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris, after years of divisive rhetoric, America must reclaim its identity as a welcoming nation. @AILANational outlines key steps that are needed.
Sample Facebook Graphics

Sample Instagram Graphics

Related Resources
- Recording of AILA Briefing: Recommendations for the Future of Immigration
- AILA Press Statement: AILA Publishes Immigration Road Map for Incoming Biden-Harris Administration
- AILA Member Talking Points for AILA’s Vision for the Biden-Harris Administration on Immigration
- AILA Press Statement: AILA Welcomes the Incoming Biden-Harris Administration and the Opportunities Ahead on Immigration