Think Immigration: Why Well-Being Week in Law Is So Important for AILA’s Members (Psst, It’s Next Week!)

I have worked with a lot of different AILA members over the years—so many outstanding lawyers, all unique and wonderful in their own way. But no matter how unique and varied their situations, every single one of them shared the common thread of juggling multiple responsibilities and roles. Some of us are just starting out and want to take advantage of every opportunity, but quickly realize time and energy are finite resources. Some are lawyers with a side of parenting or parents with a side of lawyering. Some are dealing with a beloved older generation’s needs and transitions. Others find themselves saddled with debt, illness, burnout, and innumerable complications. Everyone is overwhelmed at one point or another.
Throughout the year, AILA’s Well-Being Committee works on resources to help us find balance. To take some time and renew ourselves or strengthen our own resilience. It can feel selfish to take that time, but it is so very necessary. Our work requires us to be ready for service to others. If we don’t take care of ourselves, our well runs dry and we are no longer able to care for others—both clients and family. It is self-centering to focus in this way, but not selfish. So, join us in this fifth annual Well-Being Week in Law to benefit yourself and, in doing so, benefit others in your orbit.
Here are the things we have planned for next week:
- Start off the week with a short Skills Builder Session on Monday morning on how to energize at your desk in 15 minutes, at 10:00 am (ET) - the Zoom link to this and the other sessions is right here on this page!
- Grab your AILA Bingo Card and start doing activities to improve your Well-Being. Post your BINGO card progress on Instagram, tagging it #AILAWellBeingWeek. If you get the card all done this week, and join us for the Friday roundtable, you will be eligible to win!
- On Tuesday, there is a short Skills Builder to help you beat procrastination on tips for focusing and achieving in an utterly distracting world, at 2:00 pm (ET).
- Participate in a roundtable about cultivating high morale and resiliency on May 6.
- Read and share the new blog posts that will go live next week from two important voices in the AILA world: one from a law student and one from a paralegal.
- Don’t miss the Well-Being Committee’s Wednesday roundtable on May 8 on speaking up for yourself and facilitating a culture of listening, and invite your staff and interns to join.
- Thursday’s short Skills Builder: Do You Find Meditation Difficult? Impossible? – Try These Short Mindful Glimpses at 4:00 pm (ET).
- And finally, pull out that BINGO Card and share with AILA colleagues how you did on Friday during our Twenty Tips to Being Well and BINGO Celebration roundtable.
Don’t forget, we offer well-being resources all year round. While #AILAWellBeingWeek may happen once a year, well-being is a gift that keeps on giving year-round.