USCIS Correction to CFR Related to 2006 Interim Final Rule on Adjustment of Status Applications Filed by Paroled “Arriving Aliens”
USCIS published a correction to the CFR pertaining to the 5/12/06 DHS and DOJ interim final rule titled “Eligibility of Arriving Aliens in Removal Proceedings to Apply for Adjustment of Status and Jurisdiction to Adjudicate Applications for Adjustment of Status.” In that rule, DHS removed a paragraph from its regulations and redesignated the paragraph that followed to close the gap. DHS inadvertently failed to make a conforming amendment to a related regulatory provision to reflect the redesignation. This document describes the oversight and corrects the CFR, specifically 8 CFR §204.2(a)(1)(iii) and 8 CFR §245.1(c)(8). This action makes no substantive changes. Effective immediately. (90 FR 4587, 1/16/25)
8 CFR Part 204
[CIS No. 2800–25; DHS Docket No. USCIS– 2006–0010]
RIN 1615–AB50
Eligibility of Arriving Aliens in Removal Proceedings To Apply for Adjustment of Status and Jurisdiction To Adjudicate Applications for Adjustment of Status; Correction
AGENCY: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
ACTION: Interim final rule; correcting amendments.