Agency Memos & Announcements

USCIS Issues Clarification on Hague Adoption Convention Petitions

6/14/24 AILA Doc. No. 24061405. Adoption
USCIS issued policy guidance in the USCIS Policy Manual to clarify requirements for petitions to determine children’s eligibility as Convention adoptees. This guidance is effective as of 6/14/24 and comments are due by 7/15/24.

This update consolidates and clarifies existing guidance to provide clear requirements for the Hague process. The update:

  • Explains how a foreign-born child may be eligible to be adopted through the Hague process;
  • Describes the required order of immigration and adoption steps, including that a prospective adoptive parent should not adopt or obtain legal custody of a child for purposes of emigration and adoption before they complete certain steps in the Hague process; and
  • Clarifies requirements for adoption service providers, including the use of a primary provider and requirements following a loss of accreditation.
Cite as AILA Doc. No. 24061405.