Federal Agencies, Agency Memos & Announcements

USCIS Policy Alert: Administrative Naturalization Ceremonies

6/28/17 AILA Doc. No. 17062833. Naturalization & Citizenship

USCIS updated its Policy Manual on administrative naturalization ceremonies to include guidance on participation from other U.S. government and non-governmental entities. Guidance updates Part J of Vol. 12 and superseded prior guidance. Comments are due 7/13/17 and guidance is effective 6/28/17.

Per USCIS: Please send all comments to publicengagementfeedback@uscis.dhs.gov and be sure to include the following to make your comments clear:

  • State the title of the relevant volume and section in the subject line of your message;
  • Refer to a specific portion of the document;
  • Explain the reason for any recommended change; and
  • Include data, information, or authority that supports the recommendation.
Cite as AILA Doc. No. 17062833.