Volunteer Scholarships for Law Students and AILA Members’ Paralegals
AILA is pleased to make available a limited number of conference registration scholarships to the paralegals/legal assistants of AILA members and full-time law students in exchange for volunteer assistance at the 2025 Annual Conference.
The scholarship includes:
- Admission to attend educational sessions at the conference.
- AILA's Immigration Practice Pointers 2025-26 and Navigating the Fundamentals of Immigration Law 2025-26 in electronic format.
- Admission to all social events. However, please note that volunteers may be asked to work at these events. (Note: Travel/Hotel is not covered under the scholarship.)
- Paralegals and Legal Assistants: You must have the AILA member attest on the online application form guaranteeing payment of the registration fee if the volunteer fails to fulfill his or her volunteer obligations and personally pay the registration fee as a result. Only one volunteer per law firm may be permitted.
- Law Students: You must be currently enrolled in a full-time course of study at the time of the conference. Students who graduate before June 18, 2025, may not be eligible for a scholarship.
- Volunteers are required to be available beginning on Wednesday, June 18, 2025, through Saturday, June 21, 2025.
- Volunteers are expected to assist with the conference administration for an estimated three periods of six hours each, as assigned by AILA.
- Selection of volunteers and the assignment of times are solely within the discretion of AILA.
Deadline: Scholarship applications must be received before April 1, 2025. Only complete applications will be reviewed. Only one volunteer will be selected per law firm.
Questions may be emailed to: conferences@aila.org.