Challenging Issues for Religious Workers

Challenging Issues for Religious Workers

Challenging Issues for Religious Workers (Live Seminar & Recording)
04/10/2025 02:00 PM ET - 03:30 PM ET
Challenging Issues for Religious Workers (Seminar Recording)
Live Event Date: 04/10/2025
Format Length CLE Eligible
Web Seminar 90 min. Yes

How can immigration attorneys help foreign national workers when their religious organization wants to sponsor them, but there are special circumstances that are not “cookie cutter” in their denominations and/or positions? How do lawyers advise religious organizations if there are changes post-approval? When should the I-360 be filed? What experience counts towards the two-year requirement? Our panel of experts will discuss the tricky and complex issues attorneys can encounter during a religious workers case.

Featured Topics:

  • R-1 cross-denominational Issues
  • How to demonstrate the two-year membership requirement in the denomination
  • Tricky religious positions: Is it a religious occupation or vocation?
  • Changes post-approval: Does it require an amended petition?
  • I-360 two-year requirement

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Eligible participants can receive up to 1.8 CLE credit hours. AILA will administer CLE credit only to individuals who register and log into the web seminar. AILA cannot verify your attendance and participation in this program unless you register directly for the web seminar and use your name to log in to participate in the program. Therefore, persons who log in or listen in on the web seminar as part of a group will not be able to obtain CLE credit.

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  • The OnDemand Recording format does not qualify for CLE credit in the following jurisdictions: MO and PR. Please note that your jurisdiction may limit OnDemand credit based on the date of the original presentation. View the OnDemand Downloadable Expiration Chart for more details.

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Lance Conklin (DL), AILA USCIS HQ (Benefits Policy) Liaison Committee/EB-4 Task Force, Perry Hall, MD

J. Lance Conklin has been practicing immigration law for more than 25 years. While he has extensive experience in business immigration, he also has worked in removal and in the non-profit sector. He is a Navy veteran and has served as a minister. He is an adjunct professor at Trinity Law School in California, co-teaching Immigration Law and leading the Immigration Clinic. He serves as Associate Director for Good Samaritan Advocates at City of Refuge.

David A. Isaacson, New York, NY

David A. Isaacson is a partner at Cyrus D. Mehta & Partners, PLLC. He is co-chair of the Federal Litigation Committee of the AILA New York Chapter and serves as a member of the AILA Benefits Litigation Committee. Mr. Isaacson received his JD from Yale Law School (2004).

Srividya Krishnamurthy, Chapel Hill, NC

Srividya Krishnamurthy founded her own practice in 2009, focusing on business immigration. She currently serves on the CLE Committee of the Carolinas Chapter. She received an LL.B. from Mysore University, India, and an LL.M. from the University of San Diego.

Matthew F. Spaulding, Culver City, CA

Matthew F. Spaulding graduated from Loyola Law School in Los Angeles in 1983. He has been a sole practitioner since that date with an emphasis in immigration law, focusing on religious work visas as well as family immigration, citizenship, deportation, asylum, and citizenship applications. He has represented many different religious organizations across the United States since the beginning of the R-1 and Special Immigrant Religious visas in 1991. Mr. Spaulding is a life-long Southern California resident.

The speaker's/author's views do not necessarily represent the views of AILA, nor do they constitute legal advice or representation. Practice tips provided are based on the speaker's/author's experiences and the current state of the law. Please be sure to conduct legal research and analysis for your unique situation as the law changes quickly and experiences may differ from your own.