Essentials of Immigration Law Essentials of Immigration Law Essentials of Immigration Law

Essentials of Immigration Law

Essentials of Immigration Law, 6th ed. (Print)
Essentials of Immigration Law, 6th ed. (ebook)


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Essentials of Immigration Law, 6th ed. (Print)
Price: $181.00 $181.00
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Essentials of Immigration Law, 6th ed. (ebook)
Price: $181.00 $70.16
Savings: -61.24% ($110.84)
Release Date: 05/13/2024
Format Size ISBN/SKU
Print* 294 pages 978-1-57370-546-2
eBook 294 pages 978-1-57370-547-0

Essentials of Immigration Law by Richard A. Boswell provides the foundation necessary for an understanding core concepts and topics in immigration—from the passage of the first immigration-related statute to the current state of affairs.

This indispensable reference, now in its sixth edition, offers a practical overview of the entire area of U.S. immigration law and will help you comprehend:

  • Deportation/Removal/Inadmissibility
  • Family-Based Immigration
  • Employment-Based Immigration
  • Waivers
  • Asylum
  • Criminal Violations
  • Consular Processing
  • Citizenship/Naturalization
  • Administrative/Judicial Review
  • and more!

This edition also includes:

  • Glossary of Terms
  • Glossary of Acronyms
  • List of Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Visas
  • USC to INA Conversion Chart

Essentials of Immigration Law will provide the foundation every attorney, law student, and law office staff member needs to build their understanding of U.S. immigration laws.

ATTENTION Law Professors: This publication is a great learning tool and is used by numerous adjunct professors and law school faculty to teach the fundamentals of immigration law. To learn more about the use of Essentials for your class, contact

*Interested in a bulk purchase? Contact us to receive a bulk discount when purchasing 5 or more copies.

Richard A. Boswell is Professor of Law and Director of the Immigrants’ Rights Clinic at the UC Law, San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings). He is a frequent lecturer throughout the United States and abroad before lawyers, judges, academics, and others on a wide range of immigration topics. Professor Boswell is the author of numerous books and law review articles in the immigration field, most notable of which is his law school casebook, Immigration Law and Procedure: Cases and Materials (5th ed. 2018). He is also a co-author (with Professors Karen Musalo and Jennifer Moore) of Refugee Law and Policy: A Comparative and International Approach (5th ed. 2019). Professor Boswell served as co-editor-in-chief of the Clinical Law Review and was President of the Clinical Legal Education Association. He is a long-time member of American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and has served on its board of governors. Professor Boswell has also worked in a number of places, including the West Bank and Gaza, Central and South America, (and most recently, in Haiti), consulting on the establishment of clinical legal education and rule-of-law programs.