Mindfulness in Turbulent Times

Mindfulness in Turbulent Times

Release Date: 05/08/2025
Recording Available 7-14 Days After Event Date
Format Length CLE Eligible
Video Roundtable 60 min. No

Immigration lawyers navigate relentless stress, uncertainty, and emotional intensity. In this virtual roundtable, author and mindfulness teacher Ralph De La Rosa draws from their book, Outshining Trauma, to explore why common approaches to emotional intelligence often fall short in high-pressure moments. Through practical tools and real-world insights, they'll share how mindfulness can help manage being overwhelmed, foster resilience, and create space for both inner well-being and effective advocacy.

This roundtable is presented by AILA's Well-Being Committee for Well-Being Week In Law. For more well-being resources, visit AILA's Well-Being Center.

AILA Video Roundtables are free interactive learning opportunities hosted by faculty selected for their expertise, with an emphasis on discussion and Q&A. This roundtable is available only to AILA members and is not CLE eligible. The free recording will be available 7-10 business days following the live event.

Speaker: Ralph De La Rosa, New York, NY 

Ralph De La Rosa (they/he) is the author of three books, including the new Outshining Trauma: A New Vision of Radical Compassion (foreword by Richard Schwartz). He is a psychotherapist in private practice and a longtime meditation teacher known for his radically honest and humorous approach. His work has been featured in GQ, CNN, NY Post, Tricycle, Mindful Magazine, and beyond.  

Moderator: Kenneth A. Mayeaux, AILA Well-Being Committee, Baton Rouge, LA 

The speaker's/author's views do not necessarily represent the views of AILA, nor do they constitute legal advice or representation. Practice tips provided are based on the speaker's/author's experiences and the current state of the law. Please be sure to conduct legal research and analysis for your unique situation as the law changes quickly and experiences may differ from your own.