FR Regulations & Notices

DOL Final Rule on Workers in Temporary Agricultural Employment

4/29/24 AILA Doc. No. 24042903. H-2A Agricultural Worker

DOL issued a final rule on the temporary employment of nonimmigrant workers employed in temporary or seasonal agricultural employment and the enforcement of the contractual obligations applicable to employers of these nonimmigrant workers. The rule is effective June 28, 2024. (89 FR 33898, 4/29/24)


Employment and Training Administration

20 CFR Parts 651, 653, 655, and 658

Wage and Hour Division

29 CFR Part 501

[DOL Docket No. ETA–2023–0003]

RIN 1205–AC12

Improving Protections for Workers in Temporary Agricultural Employment in the United States

AGENCY: Employment and Training Administration and Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor.

ACTION: Final rule.

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Cite as AILA Doc. No. 24042903.